I would always resonate with the stories about the underdog, and the one whose true abilities had been hidden from them, but when they eventually learned who they were they were the most powerful, the hero or savior everyone had been waiting for. It took a while, but I finally figured out it was because I felt powerless in my life. Even though I was the one to hold all the responsibility or had to be brave when others were falling apart despite me needing help, I never felt like I had the choice of how my life was going. I was being told over and over that I did have choices. I was powerful and it was time to start believing in myself.
What consistent information can you see throughout the pattern of your life? Do strong emotions emerge whenever you hear a certain theme, phrase, or advice? Start making note of these tidbits. You are being guided. You are safe!
Just as you and your journey are unique the way you are guided will be just as unique. As I open myself up and am more willing to let the magic of this reality/matrix be a part of my life I am able to notice the guidance more and more. And I find that quite often I am given guidance through movies, music, and fictional stories. My journals and note taking apps are full of movie quotes, pictures of pages from various books, and song titles and lines. I am beginning to realize that this might be how it is supposed to be. Stories are the easiest way for us to understand the magical and seemingly unbelievable. Or perhaps, this is the way it is supposed to be for me.
I had an ex tell me during our relationship that I was the best researcher and note taker he had ever seen, but I was the worst when it came to implementing the information. I took this to heart for a very long time. It wasn’t until years later – realizing he was a narcissistic sociopath, getting out of the abusive relationship, and starting a hard-core healing journey – that I realized writing down the information was how I best absorbed it for natural implementation when it was needed. I was not doing anything wrong, other than letting someone else tell me how I was supposed to do me. A major part of your journey is going to be forgiving yourself, and accepting things for what they were and are, letting go of judgment and condemnation if you were not taught how to understand the ways you work. There is no need to punish yourself. The only need is love. Love not only accepts you for who you are now but helps you become the best version of yourself.
What is the best way for you to accept and absorb new information? What is the best way for you to resonate with wisdom? Is there a difference between the two?
I Am
I am one with the Universe
But feel all alone.
I am God and God is me
But feel powerless.
I have all the love to give
But have yet to receive.
Is this contradiction the
Essence of life?
Does feeling ever unite
With truth?