What if December is so magical and joyous, despite the harshness of the weather (at least in the northern regions), is because in October we accept the darkness and horror of our reality and in November we spend the month focusing on being grateful and thankful?
Can you imagine how life would be if we lived out those actions on a shorter cycle? On a daily basis even?
Now, I’m not saying we need to start celebrating and putting those who do “evil” on pedestals – although I’m pretty sure society already does in a sense. I believe that is where things started turning for the worse. But, to realize, or should I say go back to the way of living, that believes and treats EVERYTHING as sacred. Everything that makes and moves the life cycle is sacred.
I am not a fan of anything in the horror realm. The most I can handle is the Tim Burton realm of darkness, but I realize that life cannot happen without death, death cannot happen without life, joy without sadness, hate without love, etc., at least in this realm of polar opposites. So maybe, the “secret” to getting out of this realm of polar opposites is to know that all of it is sacred and necessary. To quit pretending certain aspects of the cycle don’t exist, to treat those who live in the darkness and horror as less than because they bring to light the reality of our existence. Remember acceptance for what is does not negate natural consequences. Although we have been conditioned to believe we live in an either/or reality we actually live in a both/and reality (but that is a discussion for another time).
What if we went back to the beginning and instead of condemning things because they bring pain, we accept them for what they are – a necessary piece that keeps the life cycle going. After all Acceptance is the first step in Recovery and Growth programs.
Itís nearly impossible to find well-informed people for this topic, but you seem like you know what youíre talking about! Thanks