Simple Is Not Always Easy

Dear God/Universe/Spirit                                                                                                                                                              I am beyond grateful for the safe space you have given us, and for providing for us in a way that allows us to be together as a family. I am grateful for the Awakening, and this journey I have been gifted with. But, I have so many questions, and feel slightly lost but mostly unsure, despite how I am consistently reminded I am right where I need to be, and I cannot screw up the purpose for my life. I still struggle to trust myself, and outside sources. I will continue to seek out truth, but I could really use some undeniable guidance and confirmation of my path, the tasks I must do, the medium I am to display my message to the world in, and the courage and boldness needed to live out my truth. I need help loving and accepting myself fully and understanding the truth of how you and the Laws of the Universe work in our lives so I may live from a place of love and meet people where they are on their journey to ultimately help them live out their purpose. I cannot do that if I am living from a place of misunderstanding and misconception.                                                                                                              Thank you for helping me to let go of all untrue beliefs. Thank you for helping me believe in myself and trust my intuition. Thank you for giving me the courage to go inward instead of outward. Thank you for giving me the courage to keep moving forward. Thank you for guiding my steps, for never leaving me, for giving me people to help me, guide me, strengthen me, and encourage me. Thank you for the ability to be open. Thank you for my gifts, my strengths, my weaknesses, the lessons I have learned, and the lessons I have yet to learn. Thank you for the ability to know when and how to respond. Thank you for the ability to digest whatever comes my way. I love you.

It never used to be safe for me to write out my fears, my deep questions, or anything I truly felt on the inside because my environment was toxic. I first had to take that leap and trust that I could do life without the toxicity I was brought up in before I could truly start my healing journey. I attempted to heal and grow my entire life, but I kept getting dragged down by those around me.                                                                                                                                                                             If you are in an unsafe environment and attempting to do this work, my heart goes out to you. Keep going, but make sure your work is kept in a safe, secret place. I pray that the work you do do will lead to you to being able to get into a safe, non-toxic environment.

Write out your own letter in your own way. This can look like writing to your diary or future self, to a deceased family member, to the God of the bible, to any god of any mythology. You could even write a letter to your pet or your favorite tree. The ‘To’ doesn’t matter as much as the body of your letter. Just get out those gratitudes, concerns, fears, hopes, and dreams.

The details of your journey that led you here may be similar to mine, or completely different. However, I am sure that we have all had to learn some of the same lessons. The main lesson I believe we are all here to learn is to love ourselves, and then to love others. The ability to write my letter to God/Universe/Spirit never could have happened if I hadn’t taken the previous steps. Each step we take in our journey is a result of the previous step and a necessary precursor to the step that follows.                                                                                                                       And just like the Golden Rule, gratitude is a necessary step in learning to love ourselves. They say the secret to both prayer and manifestation is saying things like you already possess them. I definitely had a safe space to call home and the ability to be home with my kids so we could take this journey together, but I didn’t feel I had any of the things I listed in the last portion where I am thanking God/Universe/Spirit for the various characteristics and abilities. However, I knew that even a tiny bit of faith was the starting point of greatness. It takes a lot of faith to say or write things out when you don’t have them or even the slightest clue on how to achieve those things. So, it may seem like a stupid gimmick, or an irrelevant step – which I used to think – but what if it truly is that simple? What if we don’t need to do all these fancy, intricate steps that the secret holders keep selling us? What if the answer is truly as simple as, “seek and you shall find, ask and you shall receive”? I think we have been so conditioned, so brainwashed, that we believe the only way to do things is the difficult way.

What are your thoughts on that? Could it be that simple?

I am not advocating that you discredit everyone out there who says they found the answer. I am aware of the fact that the older and wiser can see achievement or disaster awaiting some of our choices. I also know, it is up to younger generation heed or ignore their guidance. Or, if you happen to be the older, wiser person it is up to you to accept their choice with or without condemnation; then to let them reap the consequences or save them. Each person has their own choices and consequences and role to play. Neither is a reflection of the other. I am simply asking you to weigh the answers that are given because not all will benefit you and your journey.

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