People always say “learn to love the process” like it’s the only way to grow. But they never clue us in on what step of the process this wisdom is from. I hate this saying with such a passion that I had to understand it. I have come to a few conclusions.
First is, yes, ‘learn to love the process’ is a step included in our journey, but it is nowhere near the beginning. I have found that there are many steps to the process but the first is only discussed in places that deal with socially accepted problems, i.e., addiction. The first step in healing an addiction is first admitting you have a problem. Why is this not applied to our life journeys? In order to consciously go on our life journey, we first have to admit that it is a journey, aka a process.
Second. each person’s journey is uniquely personal. Which is another reason we all feel so alone. Third, God/Creator/Source is always with you on your journey and will make himself/itself known to you. It could be in a way outside of your consciously agreed upon structure of what that should look like, but it could also happen in ways that you make you question EVERYTHING!
The fourth thing I have learned is that the process is important – no matter what your process/journey looks like, or how similar or different it is to other people’s journey. I still despise this phrase but knowing its importance has changed the way I view it (at times, as I still get stuck in the “why is this happening to me” mindset).
Fifth, I have learned that people are a necessary part of the journey. They will come in all shapes, sizes, and colors, with varying journeys and beliefs of their own. Thye will also come with a combination of lies, truths, wisdom and nonsense simply because of where they are on their own uniquely personal journey.
Sixth, it is okay to not take someone’s advice, or their idea of truth as your own. Yes, I believe there is an absolute truth, but also that each of us has the choice to agree or disagree with that truth. Which leads us back to our own unique and personal journeys, and God/Creator/Source meeting us, being with us, and making truth known to us in a uniquely personal way but never forcing us to agree or believe.
Seventh, the journey depends a whole lot on our mindset. I believe that no matter our past – no matter how difficult, easy, traumatic, or pleasant – at times the journey will be devastatingly difficult, and other times a peaceful walk in the park. But, for the most part, our mindset will dictate the landscape of our journey.
Eighth, I definitely don’t know everything, but the willingness to help others wherever they are on their journey is just as important as understanding that we are on a journey.
Nineth, mistakes can be bad choices, not so great choices, or simply not the absolute best choice that could have been made but are still a necessary part of our journey. They may cause us what we think is unnecessary pain, but they give us wisdom we can then share with others. There is no need to berate ourselves with shame when it is realized a mistake is made. A change in direction is all that is needed.
This is not a manual or map on how to navigate your journey. There is no manual. We are all on a uniquely, personal journey that leads to relationship. I believe a relationship with God/Creator/Source. But, like I said, every journey is uniquely personal and we always have a choice.