What does it mean to flow like water, and why does it seem so difficult to look at the different types of water systems to figure it out?
I was presented with the ideology of living my life as water flows through the earth a couple years ago and have been struggling with implementing it. But it wasn’t until just now, as I sat down to write this, that I found the quote by Bruce Lee. Today is Thursday July 28, 2022. Bruce Lee’s quote goes as follows, “Be water, my friend. Empty your mind. Be formless, shapeless, like water. You put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle, it becomes the bottle. You put it into a teapot, it becomes the teapot. Now water can flow, or it can crash. Be water, my friend.” As with everything, each person will interpret that quote in their own way. To me, it seems like he is saying to become whatever environment you find yourself in. To that, I cannot agree. I spent too many of my years being whoever everyone else wanted or needed me to be while forsaking myself. Perhaps that is why he says, “water can flow, or it can crash”, and we must decide when it is necessary to do which.
On Monday July 25, 2022, lightning struck my brain and I jotted down a very choppy description of what it means to flow like water. It goes as follows:
Flow like water.
Nothing remains in one place without becoming stagnant.
The only constant is change.
Be willing to adjust things when necessary.
Don’t force them to remain the same.
There is no box.
Don’t force change. Don’t force stagnation.
You can be powerful without being destructive to that which is still necessary.
Everything is good within balance.
Forsake nothing.
With this new flash of light, I can see that to flow like water does not have one simple definition. Water is ever changing and adapting. Well, maybe it can have a simple definition – be ever changing and adapting as your environment requires, which is pretty much what Bruce Lee said. But I think I would have to add a clarifier to that definition, which brings me back to thinking that the definition will be just as formidable and adaptable as water itself. I believe it is imperative we learn how to adapt and change depending on the environment we find ourselves, but I also believe that we should never ever forsake ourselves. A river does not stop flowing when it finds itself at the edge of a cliff, it becomes a powerful and beautiful waterfall. The ocean does not stop the tides because some sort of destruction might come about. As sad as it is, life cannot flourish without death, and certain growth cannot happen without certain types of destruction. But the ocean does not shame itself or become burdened with guilt because life transitions due to its actions. It remains just as majestic, vast, and destructive as it always has been. When water does pool and become stagnant, for a time, it creates its own ecosystem giving life to things we see in a negative light. But that does not stop water from pooling in or flooding areas after a hard rain. I believe water, much like anything else in nature, is attempting to teach us how to live in our power – with boldness and grace. Water gives life and takes life. I don’t mean to sound cold, and I don’t condone vicious acts against others, but death is a necessary part of life and pain seems to be just as natural and necessary. So perhaps we need to be more forgiving of ourselves and others when seemingly bad things happen to us or our loved ones. Multiple religious texts speak about Divine timing, Divine order, everything happens for a reason, etc. and there are a plethora of quotes restating the same theme.
So how do we humans, who have a tendency to take EVERYTHING personally, learn how to flow like water and not retaliate but act intentionally on our own morals and honor in whatever situation we find ourselves? How do we forgive ourselves and do better next time when we cause harm to others due to our own pain? Is there a secret formula that gets us to a desired destination? OR is the whole point of our existence to simply learn through experimentation and experience?
You decide. After all, its your life and you’re the one who lives it.
Thanks for your blog, nice to read. Do not stop.