Don’t Be a Loki

I know:

  • I’m meant to do great things.
  •  I’m on the right path.
  • There’s more out there.
  •  I have everything I need for the Now.
  • Everything that is meant for me will come to me.
  • My time will come.

But I don’t know where I’m going. I can’t see the steps.

                                                                And it is BEYOND frustrating!!

Maybe this is the place where the only answer is, “do the next right thing”.

Do not be afraid when you don’t know where to turn. Focus on the things you do know, the things you can control, and continue to do the next right thing until the steps have revealed themselves.

Don’t be a “Loki” by burdening yourself with a glorious purpose of your own making. Your divine purpose is to enjoy life and be an example of love.

At the same time, don’t be fooled by what you see. Stand firm in what you know. Because sometimes you are creating a masterpiece even when you cannot see the pieces. It is when we are willing to keep moving forward in the midst of the darkness that miracles happen. We simply don’t see the miracles because we have been conditioned to think a miracle is some grand gesture, an explosive act that is impossible to miss. When most often the miraculous is disguised as the mundane. The miracle is you, every second, every moment of every day.

So, be willing to shout to the darkness, “Here I am, in all my battle-worn glory!” Because when you decide to keep trying, keep healing, keep putting one foot in front of the other, to keep getting up after every fall, then you too, are a warrior!! There is no requirement for you to fulfill. There is no box to fit in. No fad to follow. No clique to be a part of. You are a warrior the moment you decide to keep fighting for yourself – even when it doesn’t feel like a decision.

I never felt like I made the decision to fight for myself. I simply don’t know how to give up. I spent most of my journey not giving up on others. But, when everything fell apart so horribly and I was left at rock bottom with no healthy person to turn to, no safe space to call home, and nowhere left to hide myself I realized something needed to change. I couldn’t keep going the way I had been. And it wasn’t until I started my new journey, probably months into it, that I realized I was learning how to fight for myself.

The answer you need comes when it is time for you to know it.

Have any answers been revealed to you recently? What steps can/have you taken to integrate them into your life?

Learn to listen to your intuition. It leads you well!

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