Dig Deep

There are times when I am afraid to be wrong, so I stop myself from digging into anything. I scratch the surface then move on.

Other times, I realize that asking the questions is all that is needed in the moment. The answers come when it is time for them to come. And other times, I get so focused on finding the answer that I throw myself out of balance. It is then that I am reminded this journey is life-long. There is no need to rush it. So, ask the questions with confidence. The answers will come.

What are my values?

What do I value about myself?

What do I constantly fight for?

  • Peace, quiet, solitude, respect, reciprocity

Why do I deserve these things?

Because I offer them to others?

Or simply because I am?

Why is it easier to believe others deserve these things over myself?

Why do I feel the need to fight for them?

Do you possess value for what you offer?

Is value inherent?

How do you believe in your value if you don’t know where it comes from?

Does value differ? If so, by what criteria?

If one is valuable than shouldn’t all be valuable?

Does my value diminish?

Once again, why is it easier to see value in others than in myself?

I am valuable – but why?

Life is sacred. Therefore, life is valuable?

  • I fear this cannot be answered by man’s perspective.

I am God; therefore, I decide where value lies?

Or everything has value, no matter what, because everything is part of the All. Everything is God. Everything is One thing???

?? It’s easier to believe in a God outside of ourselves because if we are God then we have to do the work instead of relying on God to do the work for us. But since we are all God and God is Everything then WE are never left to do ALL the work by ourselves. ??

What deep questions have you been holding onto? Do you have the courage to dig for the answers?

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