Now that you’re aware of those areas you can begin to heal them. For some you made be led to do certain things to aid the healing. For others the simple awareness of them may be all that you needed. Be sure to listen to the inner guidance regarding what steps to take next.
List some ways to aid your healing:
Learning how to love and accept oneself may not be everyone’s main lesson to learn, but I truly believe that if people really loved and accepted themselves this world would be more peaceful and harmonious than it is. Therefore, I believe everyone should take the journey of figuring out who they are and what kind of person they would like to be. I know it has been my main lesson.
I think part of our journey is also learning how to move before it becomes too painful to stay where we are. More often than not we tend to stay where we are and keep doing what we’re doing until it becomes too painful to do so. And then, we beat ourselves up for not changing sooner. I wonder if that is the original design for us as humans or if it is a learned state of being?
I still don’t know if everything I have learned so far is truth. But I do think everything I have been told has served a purpose and was what I needed to hear in the moment in order to continue my journey.
What I do know is that I went from believing whole-heartedly in the bible being the word of God to believing that all religions hold keys to truth but also hold some untruths, or not for me truths, due to the human element. I started learning tarot, being told of past lives and spirit guides, believing that “God” is in every living person from the moment they take their first breath, and that every person’s journey, no matter how unique, is what is right for them. I went from mostly black and white, either/or, thinking to immeasurable shades of grey, both/and thinking. I mean even the bible admits that we are all gods (Psalm 82:6).
This journey of healing has given me the gift of being able to explore things without worry of going to hell for doing or liking something; or for making a mistake. It has opened up the doors of creativity and given me the courage to be adventurous. It has also taught me how to be gracious with myself and how to continue to lift myself up when I find a certain path isn’t working for me. For the first time in my life, I feel free and have peace about the learning process (not always in the moment as I’m still learning, but overall). I think those are the keys in discovering how to Become the Legend.
The End; for now.