There are countless people out there who say they have the “secret” to healing, growth, and or success. I am not one of those people. I am simply a person on a journey with stories, bits of wisdom, and lots of questions. But I am sharing all of them with you because I know I am not the only one who can benefit from them. We are not meant to do this life alone, and it is often the words of another person that opens the doorway to a new perspective in our minds and hearts.
There comes a point in everyone’s journey that the job and privilege of finding and forging their own path must be taken. And I believe, the best guides will not be those selling the secret but those who ask the deep questions forcing you to dive deep inside yourselves where the truth lies. Because you will only get so far following someone else’s path.
I pray you are brave enough to start that journey. The journey to Become the Legend that is You.
Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to figure out what kind of person you want to be, and then be loving towards others as they do the same.
This seems like it should be an easy mission, right? Try a bunch of different things out and only keep the ones that feel right to you. It sounds simple. And it probably would be if everyone else in the world wasn’t screaming at us every second of every day telling us what to choose, what is wrong, and what is right. With all that going on it gets quite difficult to hear our own voice, and harder yet, to believe our own voice.
I, like many of you, was raised in the church to believe there is only one right way, judging everything as right or wrong. While the truth is, that the only thing I should have been judging, was what is right or wrong for me. Understanding that everyone has their own journey to take. The combination of my home environment and life in the church system did not lead me to living a life of love, but one of judgement and separation, neglecting who I was created to be, forced into a doormat mentality, putting everyone else’s feelings and needs before mine. All while judging them for their choices. Creating in me the feelings of being wrong for feeling, needing, or wanting anything.
This world has the uncanny ability of taking the things we like and love for no reason at all and wrapping them up in trauma. Causing us to feel wrong or pain for liking those things. I believe it is important we learn to recognize the trauma for the lesson that it is. Learn it. Heal from it. Then, remain or return to, our true authentic selves with our unique interests, likes, and loves. Perhaps the following exercise will help you start that journey. Perhaps not. We all have many doors inside us that have yet to be opened, and everybody’s doors are unique. What works for one may not work for others. I believe making the following list gets us into the entryway of our inner being. Once we get there, we can then begin asking questions that lead us into the labyrinth of our true selves.
Safe travels!
Start a running list of the things you like (activities, genres, characteristics, places, people, etc.). Do not attach a “why” to them. There does not to be a reason for liking these things.